Websphere Liberty feature management

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Featues configuration in Websphere liberty

Features are the units of functionality by which you control the pieces of the runtime environment that are loaded into a particular server.

in server.xml we declare the features you want to load

1    <server>
2      <featureManager>
3        <feature>servlet-3.0</feature>
4        <feature>localConnector-1.0</feature>
5      </featureManager>
6    </server>

From this configuration, you can control which version of feature you want to use in perticular runtime.

Supporting features for Liberty will variate from version to version, List of features which Liberty supported can find in IBM site, https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSEQTP_liberty/com.ibm.websphere.wlp.doc/ae/rwlp_feat.html

Using featureManager comand:

Syntax of featureManager command is -

mwt@mwt:~/wlp/bin$ ./featureManager
Usage: featureManager {install|uninstall|featureList|find|classpath|help} [options]

Lets find out what are all the futures are installed in my runtime

mwt@mwt:~/wlp/bin$ ./featureManager featureList list.xml

From above command we can list all the features installd in liberty in a xml format.

Output of list.xml file is

 1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 2<featureInfo name="core" location="/home/mwt/wlp">
 3    <privateFeature>
 4        <symbolicName>com.ibm.websphere.appclient.appClient-1.0</symbolicName>
 5        <include symbolicName="com.ibm.websphere.appserver.appmanager-1.0"></include>
 6        <include symbolicName="com.ibm.websphere.appserver.iiopclient-1.0"></include>
 7        <include symbolicName="com.ibm.websphere.appserver.injection-1.0"></include>
 8        <include symbolicName="com.ibm.websphere.appclient.client-1.0"></include>
 9        <include symbolicName="com.ibm.websphere.appserver.javaeePlatform-7.0"></include>
10    </privateFeature>
11    <privateFeature>
12        <symbolicName>com.ibm.websphere.appclient.client-1.0</symbolicName>
13    </privateFeature>
14    <feature name="acmeCA-2.0">
15        <symbolicName>com.ibm.websphere.appserver.acmeCA-2.0</symbolicName>
16        <singleton>true</singleton>
17        <displayName>Automatic Certificate Management Environment (ACME) Support 2.0</displayName>
18        <description>This feature automates interactions with a certificate authority (CA) by using the Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME) protocol.</description>
19        <enables>distributedMap-1.0</enables>
20        <enables>json-1.0</enables>
21        <enables>servlet-3.0</enables>
22        <enables>servlet-4.0</enables>
23        ......
24        .....

featureManager vs installUtility:

featureManager used to install features in liberty Environment

find, install, and uninstall

installUtility command use to install the requried assets, ths command automatically install all dependents assests also.
By default installUtility, install the assets from liberty repository. If you want to install from local repostity, you need to configure local repositry in repositories.properties

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